Sublime text 2

27.6.2012 - 1469 просмотров ;)

Вот и вышел долгожданный Sublime text 2

Если честно то я им пользуюсь редко, потому что:

  • Удаляет строки неудобно из коробки Ctrl-Shift-K
  • Запускается первый раз противно долго (всравнении с NP++)
  • так я и не разобрался как там консоль для PHP вкрутить
  • Так и нету квадратного выделения — позор
  • Какое-то убогое нативное меню даже без иконочек

Но Хабра воистину хвалит белыми слезами этот редактор, ибо несет он добро в массы. Да и к халявщикам относится снисходительно, но ломалки все равно же есть.

Итак вторая версия от 26 июня 2012:

  • See the blog post for a summary.
  • OSX: Поддержка Ретины
  • Added «Quick Skip Next», on Command+K,Command+D / Ctrl+K,Ctrl+D
  • Added text drag and drop
  • Reloading a file maintains the selection
  • OSX: Find uses the system find pasteboard
  • OSX: Added support for the ODB Editor Suite
  • Theme: Added support for the highlight_modified_tabs setting
  • Added setting show_full_path, to control if the full path is shown in the window title
  • Added setting bold_folder_labels
  • OSX: Bundle is signed in preparation for Mountain Lion
  • OSX: Added scroll bar support for the «Jump to the spot that’s clicked» system preference
  • OSX: Added create_window_at_startup setting
  • OSX: Folders accessed via symlinks are monitored for changes
  • OSX: Fixed Lion press-and-hold inserting two characters
  • Windows: Installer is signed
  • Windows: Directory scanning makes use of inodes where available
  • Windows: Files are opened with the FILE_SHARE_DELETE share mode
  • Windows: Fixed a regression in command line handling with network paths
  • Windows and Linux: Tweaked command line handling when Sublime Text isn’t already running
  • Linux: Tweaked handling of the Primary selection
  • Linux: GTK is loaded at runtime, removing any dependency on specific libpng versions
  • Linux: Fixed occasional jittering with the auto complete window
  • Linux: Fixed a directory watching issue
  • Linux: Sub-folders within the syntax menu on the status bar work as expected
  • Linux: Show Completions has changed from ctrl+space to alt+/, to not interfere with IMEs
  • Reworked CSS completions
  • Improved Toggle Comment for HTML and CSS
  • Added Open in Browser context menu for HTML files
  • Saving a file now calls fsync to ensure the data is written to disk
  • Added support for file_include_patterns and folder_include_patterns in projects
  • Find in Files can exclude directories using «-some_path/» syntax
  • Added BOM variants to the Save with Encoding menu
  • Added setting preview_on_click
  • Improved Indentation Detection
  • ASCII control codes are rendered in a different style
  • Auto complete and tool tips say within the screen boundaries
  • Double clicking in the tab header area will create a new tab
  • Delete Folder will prompt before moving the folder to the trash
  • Double clicking on whitespace will select only whitespace
  • Theme: Added ‘expandable’ attribute to tree_rows, enabling folders to be styled differently
  • Theme: Tweaked quick panel to better indicate the selected item
  • Disabling find result highlighting will also disable find-as-you-type in the Find panel
  • Pressing escape in the incremental find panel will set the selection to the search start point
  • Extended behavior of home and end keys on word wrapped lines
  • Changes in file name case are detected in the side bar
  • Fixed save_on_focus_lost causing Goto Anything to not show if the current file has unsaved changes
  • Fixed folders not being added to the recent folders list
  • Fixed rendering of active indent guides
  • Fixed pasting file:line expressions into the Goto Anything panel
  • Invalid key names in keymap files will are logged to the console
  • Build Systems: Added variants
  • Build Systems: Improved debug output of the exec command when the target isn’t found
  • Build Systems: Added show_panel_on_build setting
  • Build Systems: Build times are reported
  • Build Systems: Exit code is reported, if it’s non-zero
  • Build Systems: Improved output panel height serialization
  • Build Systems: Canceling a build will terminate rather than kill the process
  • Vintage: Added backspace motion (thanks mrannanj)
  • Vintage: Improved quote text object (thanks Guillermo)
  • Vintage: Added Ctrl+U and Ctrl+D (thanks misfo)
  • Vintage: ‘vintage_use_clipboard’ forces pasting from system clipboard too (thanks Guillermo)
  • Vintage: Fixed motions with «0» in them for actions (thanks bengolds)
  • Vintage: Visual mode I and A (thanks misfo)
  • Vintage: Added vintage_use_clipboard setting to yank to the system clipboard (thanks Guillermo)
  • Vintage: Tweaked behavior of cw and cW when the caret is in whitespace (thanks misfo)
  • Vintage: Added bindings for moving the group focus up, down, left, right (thanks misfo)
  • Vintage: Paste accepts a repeat count (thanks misfo)
  • Vintage: Added bindings for u and U in visual mode, to change the case of the selection and exit visual mode (thanks quarnster)
  • Vintage: Macro replay accepts a repeat count (thanks zbuc)
  • Vintage: r<char> processes lines individually (thanks Guillermo)
  • Vintage: Tweaked % behavior (thanks misfo)
  • Vintage: Fix bug that caused deletes to erroneously left_delete (thanks misfo)
  • Vintage: Fix EOF behavior with linewise changes (thanks misfo)
  • Vintage: Ignoring a and i when in visual mode (thanks Guillermo)
  • Vintage: cc and S take counts (thanks misfo)
  • Vintage: Correctly shrink selections when reversed (thanks misfo)
  • Vintage: Added vap (thanks behrends)
  • API: Added sublime.message_dialog()
  • API: Added sublime.ok_cancel_dialog()
  • API: Added Command.is_checked() to support checkbox menu items
  • API: Added sublime.log_result_regex()


Читать неперечитать, но давайте почитаем офпост к релизу:

Спасибо товарищи за деньги. Мы будем пилить наш танк еще и еще. А вот что примечательного отсительно последней бетки:

  • Поддержка Ретины для OS X
  • Возможность скипить матчи:
  • ДрагДропать текст
  • и т.п.

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Sublime Text 2 FAQ

Sublime Text 2 хитрости

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